MSME Registration is for those who are doing business like Manufacturing or services providers or professionals.
MSME Stands for Micro Small Medium Enterprise previously it was known as SSI Registration is called Small Scale Industry registration
As epr last GR of MSME Act 2006 all new and existing enterprenuers has to be registered with MSME to avail government benefits.
Benefits of MSME
1. To get participation in Government or PSU sector Tenders.
2. To avail subsidies from 2% to 35% on investment.
3. To get excise, sales tax or incometax exemption is specific zone.
4. To get Pollution Control Board Certificate for business.
5. To get SME Loans
MSME Registration Certificate
MSME Stands for Micro Small Medium Enterprise previously it was known as SSI Registration is called Small Scale Industry registration
As epr last GR of MSME Act 2006 all new and existing enterprenuers has to be registered with MSME to avail government benefits.
Benefits of MSME
1. To get participation in Government or PSU sector Tenders.
2. To avail subsidies from 2% to 35% on investment.
3. To get excise, sales tax or incometax exemption is specific zone.
4. To get Pollution Control Board Certificate for business.
5. To get SME Loans
MSME Registration Certificate